Source code for gadfly.core

import os
import json
import warnings

import numpy as np

from celerite2 import terms as celerite2_terms

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.units import cds  # noqa
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

import tynt

from . import scale
from .psd import plot_power_spectrum
from .sun import _p_mode_fit_to_sho_hyperparams

__all__ = [

dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
default_hyperparameter_path = os.path.join(
    dirname, 'data', 'hyperparameters.json'

def _sho_psd(omega, S0, w0, Q):
    Stochastically driven, damped harmonic oscillator.
    # This is the celerite2 SHO PSD:
    return (
        np.sqrt(2/np.pi) * S0 * w0**4 /
        ((omega**2 - w0**2)**2 + (omega**2 * w0**2 / Q**2))

[docs]class Hyperparameters(list): """ Gaussian process hyperparameters for approximating the total stellar irradiance power spectrum. """ def __init__(self, hyperparameters, name=None, magnitude=None): """ Parameters ---------- hyperparameters : list of dict List of dictionaries containing hyperparameters. Each dict has two entries. ``"hyperparameters"`` contains a dictionary with the keyword arguments that must be passed to the celerite2 SHOTerm constructor. ``"metadata"`` is a dictionary describing which hyperparameters were fixed in the fit. name : str Label or name for the hyperparameter set. magnitude : float Magnitude of the target in the observational band. """ super().__init__(hyperparameters) = name self.magnitude = magnitude def __repr__(self): first = json.dumps(self[0], indent=4) return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__} ' + (f'"{}" ' if is not None else '') + f'(showing 1 of {len(self)}):\n[{first}...]>' ) @staticmethod def _load_from_json(path): with open(path, 'r') as param_file: hyperparameters = json.load(param_file) return hyperparameters
[docs] @classmethod def from_soho_virgo(cls, path=None, name='SOHO VIRGO/PMO6'): """ Load the SOHO VIRGO/PMO6 total solar irradiance hyperparameters. See [1]_ for more information on SOHO VIRGO/PMO6. Parameters ---------- path : str or None Path to the solar hyperparameter JSON file. If None, loads the default gadfly solar hyperparameter list. name : str Name of the hyperparameter set References ---------- .. [1] `VIRGO Data Products Archive <>`_ """ if path is None: path = default_hyperparameter_path hyperparameters = cls._load_from_json(path) return cls(hyperparameters, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod @u.quantity_input(mass=u.g, temperature=u.K, radius=u.m, luminosity=u.L_sun) def for_star( cls, mass, radius, temperature, luminosity, bandpass=None, name=None, quiet=False, magnitude=None ): """ Applying scaling relations to the SOHO VIRGO/PMO6 total solar irradiance hyperparameters for given stellar properties. Parameters ---------- mass : ~astropy.units.Quantity Stellar mass radius : ~astropy.units.Quantity Stellar radius temperature : ~astropy.units.Quantity Effective temperature luminosity : ~astropy.units.Quantity Stellar luminosity bandpass : str Name of the observing bandpass. name : str Name for the star or set of hyperparameters quiet : bool Turn off warning for invalid input parameters to scaling relations when ``quiet=True``. magnitude : float Magnitude of the target star in the observing band """ hyperparameters = cls._load_from_json(default_hyperparameter_path) # extract the granulation hyperparameters granulation_hyperparams = [ item for item in hyperparameters if item['metadata']['source'] == 'granulation' ] # extract the p-mode hyperparameters p_mode_hyperparams = [ item for item in sorted( hyperparameters, key=lambda x: x['metadata'].get('degree', -1) ) if item['metadata']['source'] == 'oscillation' ] # put the p-mode hyperparams in a vector format, which is needed # shortly for the call to _p_mode_fit_to_sho_hyperparams p_mode_hyperparams = np.transpose( [[param_set['hyperparameters'].get(param) for param in ['S0', 'Q']] for param_set in p_mode_hyperparams] ).ravel() # get the hyperparameter sets and the corresponding labels to the # spherical degree "ell" for each set: (S0_fit, solar_w0, Q_fit), ell_labels = ( _p_mode_fit_to_sho_hyperparams(p_mode_hyperparams) ) solar_gran_S0, solar_gran_w0, solar_gran_Q = np.transpose( [[param_set['hyperparameters'].get(param) for param in ['S0', 'w0', 'Q']] for param_set in granulation_hyperparams] ) # basic asteroseismic parameters: solar_nu_max = scale._solar_nu_max scaled_nu_max = solar_nu_max * scale.nu_max(mass, temperature, radius) # get access to the astronomical filter bandpass via tynt: filt = Filter(bandpass) # scale the hyperparameters for each of the granulation components scaled_hyperparameters = [] for item in granulation_hyperparams: params = item['hyperparameters'] scale_S0 = ( params['S0'] * # scale the amplitudes by a term for granulation: scale.granulation_amplitude( mass, temperature, luminosity ) * # also scale the amplitudes for the observing bandpass: scale.amplitude_with_wavelength( filt, temperature ) ) # scale the timescales: scaled_w0 = params['w0'] / scale.tau_gran( mass, temperature, luminosity ) if scaled_w0 > 0: scaled_hyperparameters.append( dict( hyperparameters=dict( S0=scale_S0, w0=scaled_w0, Q=params['Q']), metadata=item['metadata'] ) ) else: if not quiet: msg = ( "The scaled solar hyperparameter with frequency " f"w0(old)={params['w0']:.0f} is being scaled to " f"w0(new)={scaled_w0:.0f}, which is not positive. " f"This kernel term will be omitted." ) warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) # prepare to scale the hyperparameters for each of the # oscillation components, which also depend on the # amplitude of granulation at the frequency where the # oscillations occur: solar_nu = solar_w0 / (2 * np.pi) * u.uHz granulation_background_solar = _sho_psd( 2 * np.pi * solar_nu.value[:, None], solar_gran_S0[None, :], solar_gran_w0[None, :], solar_gran_Q[None, :] ) scale_delta_nu = scale.delta_nu(mass, radius) solar_delta_nu = solar_nu - solar_nu_max scaled_delta_nu = solar_delta_nu * scale_delta_nu scaled_nu = scaled_nu_max + scaled_delta_nu scaled_w0 = 2 * np.pi * # limit to positive scaled frequencies: # only_positive_omega = scaled_w0 > 0 # solar_nu = solar_nu[only_positive_omega] # S0_fit = S0_fit[only_positive_omega] # Q_fit = Q_fit[only_positive_omega] # scaled_nu = scaled_nu[only_positive_omega] # scaled_w0 = scaled_w0[only_positive_omega] p_mode_scale_factor = ( # scale p-mode "heights" like Kiefer et al. (2018) # as a function of frequency (scaled_nu) scale.p_mode_intensity( temperature, scaled_nu, scaled_nu_max, scale._solar_delta_nu * scale_delta_nu, filt.mean_wavelength ) * # scale the p-mode amplitudes like Kjeldsen & Bedding (2011) # according to stellar spectroscopic parameters: scale.p_mode_amplitudes( mass, radius, temperature, luminosity, scaled_nu, solar_nu, filt.mean_wavelength ) ) # scale the quality factors: scale_factor_Q = scale.quality( scaled_nu_max, temperature ) scaled_Q = Q_fit * scale_factor_Q solar_psd_at_p_mode_peaks = _sho_psd( 2 * np.pi * solar_nu.value, S0_fit, 2 * np.pi * solar_nu.value, Q_fit ) * u.cds.ppm ** 2 / u.uHz # Following Chaplin 2008 Eqn 3: A = 2 * np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * solar_nu * solar_psd_at_p_mode_peaks) solar_mode_width = scale._lifetimes_lund(5777) scaled_mode_width = scale._lifetimes_lund(temperature.value) unscaled_height = 2 * A ** 2 / (np.pi * solar_mode_width) scaled_height = ( unscaled_height * # scale to trace the envelope in power with frequency: p_mode_scale_factor * # scale to the correct bandpass: scale.amplitude_with_wavelength( filt, temperature ) ) scaled_A = np.sqrt(np.pi * scaled_mode_width * scaled_height / 2) scaled_psd_at_p_mode_peaks = ( (scaled_A / 2)**2 / (4 * np.pi * scaled_nu) ).to(u.cds.ppm**2/u.uHz).value gran_background_solar = granulation_background_solar.sum(1) scaled_S0 = ( np.pi * scaled_psd_at_p_mode_peaks / scaled_Q ** 2 ) * gran_background_solar scaled_w0 = np.ravel( np.repeat(scaled_w0[None, :], len(S0_fit), 0) ) scaled_Q = np.ravel(scaled_Q) for S0, w0, Q, degree in zip(scaled_S0, scaled_w0, scaled_Q, ell_labels): if np.all(np.array([S0, w0]) > 0): scaled_hyperparameters.append( dict( hyperparameters=dict( S0=S0, w0=w0, Q=Q), metadata=dict( source='oscillation', scaled=True, degree=degree ) ) ) return cls(scaled_hyperparameters, name, magnitude)
[docs]class StellarOscillatorKernel(celerite2_terms.TermConvolution): """ A sum of :py:class:`~celerite2.terms.SHOTerm` simple harmonic oscillator kernels generated by gadfly to approximate the total solar irradiance power spectrum. :py:class:`~gadfly.core.StellarOscillatorKernel` inherits from :py:class:`~celerite2.terms.TermConvolution`. """ @u.quantity_input(texp=u.s) def __init__(self, hyperparameters=None, texp=None, delta=None, name=None, terms=None): """ Parameters ---------- hyperparameters : ~gadfly.Hyperparameters Iterable of hyperparameters, each passed to the :py:class:`~celerite2.terms.SHOTerm` constructor. name : str Name for this set of hyperparameters texp : ~astropy.units.Quantity Exposure time, convertible to inverse microhertz. delta : float (optional) Exposure time, in units of inverse microhertz. terms : list Kernel terms to add together. This argument is intended only for internal use. """ kernel_components = [] if hyperparameters is not None: self.hyperparameters = hyperparameters if name is None and is not None: name = kernel_components += [ celerite2_terms.SHOTerm(**p['hyperparameters']) for p in self.hyperparameters ] if terms is not None: kernel_components += terms = name term_sum = celerite2_terms.TermSum(*kernel_components) if delta is None: if texp is None: default_exp = 1 * u.min msg = ( "An exposure time is required to construct the kernel. gadfly will assume " f"a default exposure time of {default_exp}. To prevent this warning, supply " f"the kernel with the `texp` keyword argument." ) warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) texp = default_exp delta = super().__init__(term_sum, delta)
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): return plot_power_spectrum(kernel=self, **kwargs)
plot.__doc__ = plot_power_spectrum.__doc__ @classmethod def _from_terms(cls, terms, delta=None, name=None): return cls(terms=terms, delta=delta, name=name) def __add__(self, other): """ Assumes ``other`` is a SHOTerm or subclass. """ if not isinstance(other, list): other_names = [] other = [other] else: other_names = [ for t in other.terms] name = "" if is not None: name += for other_name in other_names: if other_name is not None: if len(name): name += " + " + other_name else: name += other_name return StellarOscillatorKernel._from_terms( list(self.term.terms) + other,, name=name )
[docs]class SolarOscillatorKernel(StellarOscillatorKernel): """ Like a :py:class:`~gadfly.core.StellarOscillatorKernel`, but initialized with the default solar SOHO VIRGO/PMO6 kernel hyperparameters. The hyperparameters are initialized with the :py:class:`~gadfly.core.Hyperparameters` class method :py:meth:`~gadfly.core.Hyperparameters.for_star` assuming exactly solar mass, radius, temperature, and luminosity. The primary difference with :py:class:`~gadfly.core.StellarOscillatorKernel` is that the user need not provide :py:meth:`~gadfly.core.Hyperparameters`. :py:class:`~gadfly.core.SolarOscillatorKernel` inherits from :py:class:`~celerite2.terms.TermConvolution` and :py:class:`~gadfly.core.StellarOscillatorKernel`. """ @u.quantity_input(texp=u.s) def __init__(self, texp=None, delta=None, bandpass=None, name=None): """ Parameters ---------- texp : ~astropy.units.Quantity Exposure time, convertible to inverse microhertz. """ hp = Hyperparameters.for_star( mass=1*u.M_sun, radius=1*u.R_sun, temperature=5777*u.K, luminosity=1*u.L_sun, bandpass=bandpass ) super().__init__( hp, texp=texp, delta=delta, name=name )
[docs]class ShotNoiseKernel(celerite2_terms.SHOTerm): """ A subclass of :py:class:`~celerite2.terms.SHOTerm` which approximates shot noise in Kepler observations, for example. """ # This is intentionally really large. In [uHz]. w0 = 1e7 # value does not matter much if w0 >>> 1 Q = 0.5 def __init__(self, *args, name=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- args : dict Hyperparameters for the SHO kernel, :math:`S_0, \\omega_0, Q`. name : str Name to store for the target/instrument. kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments to pass to the :py:class:`~celerite2.terms.SHOTerm` constructor. """ if name is None: name = "Shot noise" = name super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_kepler_light_curve(cls, light_curve): """ Estimate Kepler shot noise from the light curve. The light curve must have a Kepler magnitude in the metadata. Assumes the noise relation in Jenkins et al. (2010) [1]_. Parameters ---------- light_curve : ~lightkurve.lightcurve.LightCurve Kepler light curve. References ---------- .. [1] `Jenkins et al. (2010) <>`_ """ from lightkurve import LightCurveCollection if isinstance(light_curve, LightCurveCollection): light_curve = light_curve.stitch(lambda x: x) kepler_mag = light_curve.meta['KEPMAG'] norm = 2 * np.pi / len(light_curve.time) ** 0.5 _, unscaled_S0 = cls.kepler_mag_to_noise_amplitude(kepler_mag) S0 = (unscaled_S0 * norm) ** 0.5 return cls(, w0=cls.w0, Q=cls.Q)
[docs] @staticmethod def kepler_mag_to_noise_amplitude(kepler_mag): """ Kepler noise in 6 hour bins, from Jenkins et al. (2010) [1]_. Parameters ---------- kepler_mag : float Kepler magnitude (:math:`K_p`) of the star. References ---------- .. [1] `Jenkins et al. (2010) <>`_ """ c = 3.46 * 10 ** (0.4 * (12 - kepler_mag) + 8) sigma_lower = np.sqrt( c + 7e6 * np.max([np.ones_like(kepler_mag), kepler_mag / 14], axis=0) ** 4 ) / c # units of relative flux sigma_upper = np.sqrt(c + 7e7) / c # convert to ppm: return 1e6 * np.array([sigma_lower, sigma_upper]) * u.cds.ppm ** 2
[docs]class Filter(tynt.Filter): """ Convenience subclass for the ``tynt`` API for photometric filter transmittance curves. ``tynt`` is a parameterized filter bandpass package [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] `tynt source code on GitHub <>`_. """ generator = tynt.FilterGenerator() available_filters = generator.available_filters() default_filter = 'Kepler/Kepler.K' def __init__(self, identifier_or_filter, download=False): """ Parameters ---------- identifier_or_filter : str, ~gadfly.Filter, ~tynt.Filter Input name of the filter, or a ``gadfly`` or ``tynt`` implementation of the filter object. download : bool If True, download the true transmittance curve. Default is False. """ # Use Kepler bandpass if None specified, and give a warning. if identifier_or_filter is None: msg = ( "An observing bandpass is required to construct the kernel. gadfly " f'will assume the default filter "{self.default_filter}". To prevent ' f"this warning, supply the Hyperparameters with the `bandpass` " "keyword argument." ) warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning) identifier_or_filter = self.default_filter # Define a "bandpass" for SOHO, which is bolometric if identifier_or_filter.upper() == 'SOHO VIRGO': wavelength = np.logspace(-1.5, 1.5, 1000) * super().__init__(wavelength, np.ones_like(wavelength.value)) else: if isinstance(identifier_or_filter, (tynt.Filter, Filter)): # this happens if the user supplies a filter, we just # return the same filter: return identifier_or_filter else: # otherwise try to reconstruct the bandpass transmittance from # the tynt FFT parameterization: if identifier_or_filter in self.available_filters and not download: filt = self.generator.reconstruct(identifier_or_filter) elif not download: msg = ( f'The observing bandpass "{identifier_or_filter}" is not recognized ' f'in the pre-loaded bandpasses in tynt, and the `download` keyword is ' f'"{download}". To trigger a remote filter bandpass download from the ' f'SVO FPS, set `download=True`.' ) raise ValueError(msg) else: filt = self.generator.download_true_transmittance(identifier_or_filter) super().__init__(filt.wavelength, filt.transmittance) @property def mean_wavelength(self): """ Transmittance-weighted mean wavelength of the filter bandpass. """ return np.average(self.wavelength, weights=self.transmittance)